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Skinny Genes

Skinny Genes

Count:32, Wall:4

Level: Absolute Beginner

Choreographed: Pat Stott (UK) & Lizzie Stott (UK) - April 2010

Music: : Skinny Genes - Eliza Doolittle

Diagonally forward, together, diagonally forward, tap, diagonally forward, together, diagonally forward, tap
1-2 Step diagonally forward on right to right diagonal, close left to right
3-4 Step diagonally forward on right to right diagonal, tap left next to right
5 -6 Step diagonally forward on left to left diagonal, close right next to left
7 -8 Step diagonally forward on left to left diagonal, tap right next to left

Step diagonally back, tap, step diagonally back, close, twist heels – right, centre, right, centre
9-10 Step right diagonally back to right diagonal, tap left next to right
11-12 Step left diagonally back to left diagonal, close right next to left
13-16 Twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre, twist both heels to right, twist both heels back to centre

Grapevine right, brush, grapevine left with ¼ turn left, brush
17-20 Step right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, brush left next to right
21-24 Step left to left, cross right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left, brush right forward

Step, brush, step, brush, walk back x 3, close
25-28 Step forward on right, brush left forward, step forward on left, brush right forward
29-32 Walk back – right, left, right, close left next to right