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Bye Bye Bye

Bye Bye Bye

Count:32, Wall:2

Level: Beginner

Choreographed: Sabrina Vaas (DE), Ella Yael (DE), Tanja Heim (DE) & Sascha Wolf (DE) - March 2024

Music: : Bye Bye Bye - YOUNOTUS & Michael Schulte

Intro: 16 counts – start on word „Monday“

Grapevine R, Fan, Point, Touch
1-4 R to R side, L cross behind, R to R side, L close to R without weight
5-6 L toes fan to side, L toes fan back to centre
7-8 L point to side, L touch next to R

Grapevine L, Fan, Point, Touch
9-12 L to L side, R cross behind, L to L side, R close to L without weight
13-14 R toes fan to side, R toes fan back to centre
15-16 R point to side, R touch next to L

Out Out In In x 2
17-20 R step OUT diagonal forward, L step OUT diagonal forward, R step IN back to centre, L step IN back to centre
21-24 R step OUT diagonal forward, L step OUT diagonal forward, R step IN back to centre, L step IN back to centre

Rock Step, Chassé 1/2 R, Rock Step, Coaster Step
25-26 R forward, recover on L
27&28 R 1/2 to R, L next to R, R 1/4 to R
29-30 L forward, recover on R
31&32 L back, close R to L, L forward