the cactus club



Count:32, Wall:4

Level: Beginner

Choreographer: Laura Sway (UK) & Julie Lockton (ES) June 2017

Music: Twisting The Night Away - Si Cranstoun

Fwd R Diagonal, Twist Twist, Fwd L Diagonal, Twist Twist
1-4 Step fwd on R diagonal, step L beside R, twist heels R, twist heels L
5-8 Step fwd on L diagonal, step R beside L, twist heels L, twist heels R

Back, touch and clap, Back, touch and clap, Grapevine R, kick
9-10 Step back diagonal on R, touch L to R and clap
11-12 Step back diagonal on L, touch R to L and clap
13-16 Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, kick L

Grapevine 1/4 left, rumba box back, hold
17-20 Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side making 1/4 turn to 09:00, touch R beside L
21-24 Step R to R side, step L beside R, step back on R, hold

Rumba box fwd, twist heels R / L / R / L
25-28 Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L fwd, step R beside L (equal weight)
29-32 Twist heels R, L, R, L (Twist on the spot without travelling and bend knees as an optional styling)