the cactus club
The Lonely Road
Level: Beginner
Choreographed: Flora Petrie (SCO) & Pauline Kilkenny (SCO) - August 2024
Music: : Lonely Road - mgk & Jelly Roll
Intro: 16 counts, start on lyric “downtown” (approx 00:12)
Chasse R, Rock Back, Chasse L, Rock Back
1&2 Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
3-4 Rock back on L, recover on R
5&6 Step L to L side, step R next to L (&) step L to L side
7-8Rock back on R, recover on L
Grapevine R, Grapevine L
9-10 Step R to R side, step L behind R
11-12 Step R to R side, touch L next to R
13-14 Step L to Side, Step R behind L
15-16 Step L to L side, Touch R next to L
Heel, Hook, Shuffle Forward, Rock, Shuffle Back
17-18 ap R heel in front, hook R heel in front of L shin
19-20 Step forward on R, step L next to R, step forward on R
21-22 Rock forward on L, recover on R
23-24 Step back on L, step R next to L, step back on L
Step Back, Tap, Step Forward, Scuff, Jazzbox 1/4 R (cross)
25-28 Step back on R, tap L toe across R, step forward on L, scuff R forward
29-30 Step forward on R, turn 1/4 R stepping back on L
31-32 Step R to R side, cross L over R