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Madelaina Smoothie

Choreographed by Nathan Easey

Description: 32 count, 2 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance

Music: Madaleina by Redfern & Crookes


1-2 Rock step right foot forward on right diagonal, recover weight onto left foot

3-4 Step right foot quarter turn right and bump hips to right twice

5-6 Step left foot across right, step right foot back into quarter turn left

7&8 Turn a further quarter turn left & step left foot to left side, close right foot beside left, step left foot to left side


9-10 Step right foot across left, step left foot back into quarter turn right

11&12 Turn a further quarter turn right & step right foot to right side, close left foot beside right, step right foot to right

13-14 Touch left foot to left side, hold

15-16 Make quarter turn left on balls of feet and bounce left heel twice (weight ends on left)


17-18 Step right foot forward across the left, angling body to left (take two counts to step)

19-20 Step left foot forward across right, angling body to right (take two counts to step)

21-24Walk forward right, left, right (with sassy hips!), hold and click fingers at shoulder level


25-26 Rock step left foot forward, recover weight onto right foot

27&28 Step left foot back, lock right foot across left, step left foot back

29 Touch right foot to right side

30 Make half turn right on ball of left foot bringing right foot beside left & taking weight (as in Monterey turn)

31&32 Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left, step left foot forward